Cyber Bullying

I am not sure if there is a silver bullet to stop cyber bullying. Unfortunately I think it is something that is not gonna go away anytime soon. I myself have never been cyber bullied, but here are a few things you can do to stop it and avoid being bullied altogether. 
  • You have to try to be mentally strong, just remember they are just words and can't really physically hurt you.
  • Being able to block people is a great tool to use
  • If not able to block, just ignore the person doing the bullying, they really just want attention and especially want a reaction from you!
  • Another form of bullying would be someone releasing your information online such as your cell phone number, home address, maybe even private messages. Make sure you are using good passwords to protect your accounts. 
  • Be very careful of information you share on social media sites and forums like reddit, twitter, and instagram. 
I am by no means an expert, but i hope these tips will help people better protect themselves on the internet.

